मुकुल | प्रबंधक समिति कार्य | नीति व प्रक्रिया | वित्तीय विवरण | पुस्तक श्रेणी शासक प्रणाली


Mukul is governed by the overall policies and procedures of the Ottawa Carleton District School Board for day-to-day school operations.


However, with active participation from the community, we are able to provide a much more enhanced and enriched environment to the students of Mukul Hindi School. To guide us through this process, the Mukul Management Committee has established various procedures and processes over the years to ensure smooth functioning of all activities at the school. These have been documented in various Policy Documents and are made available to the parents through this site.


Mukul has also established a sound financial reporting process and the annual financial statements are also made available for parents to view.


These policies and processes will evolve over time to guide us into the future.